Saturday, September 10, 2022

Faerie News

Dear Fey Friends,

First day of Spring,

a fairy died.

Fey Queen 

Anne Atkins flew 

from this mortal realm. πŸŒ·

Anne opened Wonderwings Fairy Shop - first fairy shop in the world - 1980s in Richmond. 🧜🏿‍♂️🧜‍♀️She followed up with its more raucous, carnival sibling, Wonderwings Fairground. πŸŽͺCountless similar venues opened around the globe by her inspiration, most closely and enduringly 
Myths & Legends in Gisborne 
with Wonderwings fairy Dee. πŸ¦‹

Anne was a patron and collaborator across ethereal arts, from music to sculpture. Many of us learned oral fairytale storytelling from Vic’s storytelling guild founder Nell Bell at Wonderwings. 

A glass artist herself, Anne made exquisite wands. 🌟

Her legacy includes eco-mythos, with freshly gathered eucalyptus leaves strewn in the story garden. 

In addition to catering for youngsters, there were also adult sessions, steeped in mythology and respect for diversity. πŸ“˜πŸ¦‹


She is honoured in the anthology South of the Sun: Australian fairy tales for the 21st century.

Here is an earlier tribute I wrote at a Wonderwings reunion

More pics of beloved Anne across decades...

Fey Anne, you conjured Muses, embraced eccentricity, revelled in whimsy, kindness, passion, ebullience, glee; and all the way to Fairyland, the flowers know you.
Anne & Nigel at our wedding 1993
Anne Atkins
at Wonderwings Fairy Picnic
Anne Atkins 


πŸ¦‹Fairy Funeral: 

Sunday 11th September 2022

          3pm πŸ¦‹

Collingwood Children's Farm / Abbotsford Convent 
Fairies of all ages & cultures welcomeπŸ¦‹

Anne Atkins at Midsummer Faerie Rade

photo by Louisa John-Krol
blue tree roses by Rachael Hammond

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Faerie News

Happy Wintering

to Southern Hemisphere friends. 

And to Northerners, 

Happy Summer ye all, fey darlings! 

Come join us at Bendigo Library for

Love of the Fey

A weeklong exhibition by Lorena Carrington
culminating in an event Thursday 30th June,
storytelling & songs by Louisa John-Krol
with guest readings, book chats, 
face painting & costumes!
Dress as your most enchanting selves... 

Celebrating our intercultural, illustrated anthology

South of the Sun: Australian fairy tales for the 21st century

(Australian Fairy Tale Society & Serenity Press)

Special guests: 
Fairy Moss by Lorena Carrington

Carmel Bird
Jenni Heinrich
Thang Dac Luong


Faerie Bard 
Louisa John-Krol* 
Photographic Illustrator 
Lorena Carrington 
both awardees of the national Australian Fairy Tale Award 
in 2020 and 2021 respectively. 

*Louisa being your mandolin-mad Fae of this blog. 

Please register attendance here
Nearly booked out!

About each session:

1) Afternoon storytelling & songs for 8-12 year-olds 
Tween, Teen & Keen, 2pm - 3pm
More info at Eventbrite

In between, enjoy the exhibition by our cover artist Lorena Carrington, 
and the screen loop of other illustrators involved,
or meet & greet, stroll, sip a tummy warmer, or snuggle with a book!

2) Early Evening music, storytelling, readings, Q&A for grownups: 
Timely & Timeless: 5:30pm - 6:30pm
More info at Eventbrite

Storytelling, Art, Music, Readings, Book Chats, Costume Prizes!